The Power of Social Media

The Power of Social Media

What are the benefits of social media? How do we even get started? What would we post?

These are just some of the questions a lot of marketing teams hear after suggesting that their business should join Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok. So let’s break it down.

What are the benefits of social media?

Well, simply put, social media acts as a digital billboard in your customer’s pocket. You want to be able to reach people where they are, and that’s easy to do when they’re on their phone. Reaching people at their fingertips is essentially what you’re doing when you’re using social media to help spread the word about your product or service.

Not only that, but social media makes it easy for consumers to share your content. With the simple click of a button, people can share your post with their social network. Every like, comment, share and save helps reach a potential consumer and get the word out about your business.

What would we post?

A lot of brands have taken social media by storm and gained thousands of followers on platforms just for having fun while integrating their brand. Take Duolingo’s TikTok for example. Anyone who has tried to learn another language while using Duolingo knows that Duo harasses you when you miss a lesson, and thanks to numerous TikTok trends, Duolingo has been able to translate this simple notification on your phone into viral videos.

Being authentic to your brand is essential when posting on social media, and it’s important to understand that your brand doesn’t need to enter every conversation or trend. Do what feels right and get out of your comfort zone!

Hopping onto trends doesn’t have to be a mundane task; have fun with your content! The best content comes from having fun, and who knows you might even gain a few followers in the process!

How do you get started?

Creating social accounts doesn’t take much time, and securing the handle of your business is important, but one crucial step that some businesses miss is creating a content strategy. Having someone manage, strategize, come up with ideas and stay on top of trends is crucial to success on social media.

So what’s stopping your business from hopping on social media or stepping up your meme game? Take a step back and analyze what you want your platforms to say for your business and then get to planning!

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